Category Archives / Martha’s Vineyard

Experiencing Luxury on your Martha’s Vineyard Getaway

Outdoor Dining at Garde East

Discover the epitome of luxury travel on Martha’s Vineyard. Explore the best things to do on this picturesque New England island, from indulging in exquisite accommodations at Winnetu Resort, Harbor View Hotel, and Nobnocket Boutique Inn to savoring culinary delights at Garde East, Outermost Inn, Sweet Life Café and Détente. Don’t miss the opportunity to […]

Juneteenth Celebrations on Martha’s Vineyard

The Juneteenth Holiday weekend begins Friday June 16th and Martha’s Vineyard will be the place to be for celebrations. Juneteenth is a Holiday weekend in remembrance of the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans. The name is a combination of “June” and “nineteen” to commemorate 19th June 1865 when slaves were proclaimed free in Texas. Martha’s Vineyard […]

Martha’s Vineyard Live Music – Offshore Ale Company

Dave Willis Band playing

Since changing ownership in October 2021 to Bill & Susan Honeycutt the Offshore Ale Company has been updated and has quickly established itself as the place to head for live music, good food and the best beer on Martha’s Vineyard. The brewpub has long been the place for beer lovers, where brew master Neil Atkins […]

Hiking Martha’s Vineyard – Cranberry Acres

View of pond

If you’re looking for an easy, short and picturesque hike on Martha’s Vineyard then look no further. Head into Vineyard Haven and weave your way up Lambert’s Cove Road (direction “Up-Island”). In about a mile on the left hand side you will see a sign for the Wakeman Center. The Wakeman Center is the home […]

Gannon & Benjamin – Sail on Charlotte

Schooner Charlotte

Nat Benjamin & Ross Gannon met in the 1970’s on Martha’s Vineyard and opened up the fabled Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway in the 1980’s. Their business is one of the few remaining wooden boat builders in the US and Vineyard Haven is proud to be their home. Vineyard Haven is one of the few […]

Martha’s Vineyard Summer Music Event – Beach Road Weekend Music Festival

Wilco On Stage

Beach Road Weekend has become the must-attend summer event on Martha’s Vineyard. The three day outdoor music festival takes place in Vineyard Haven at the end of August and is the perfect end to a Martha’s Vineyard summer. This year’s event  was a barnstorming success bringing islanders and visitors together to enjoy three days of […]

Martha’s Vineyard Castle – Weahtaqua Springs Preserve

Oak Bluffs Waterworks MV Castle

At the top of Lagoon Pond the MV Land Bank in 1999 successfully, after a wait of many years, created a conservation preserve area that helps to protect the aquifer and island drinking water. The conservation preserve at Weahtaqua Springs is a secluded spot that provides a lookout point across the head of Lagoon Pond. […]

The Best Town On Martha’s Vineyard

East Beach

You are on the verge of taking the plunge and booking your Martha’s Vineyard vacation (of course booking your Martha’s Vineyard Hotel via the Martha’s Vineyard Lodging Association because then you book direct with the property and avoid commissions and surprise OTA fees!) but a pesky  question is nagging at the back of your head […]

Where Is The Best Art Gallery On Martha’s Vineyard

Featherstone Art Gallery Interior

Stand on any of the Martha’s Vineyard Main Streets and throw a paint brush and you’re pretty likely to hit a Martha’s Vineyard Art Gallery (disclaimer: we do not in any way suggest or condone the throwing of paint brushes or indeed any other art supplies). Yes, the island has many art galleries, not least […]

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Biking Tisbury Meadow Preserve

Tisbury Meadows Trail Head Sign

Tisbury Meadow Preserve in Vineyard Haven is a wonderfully pristine “Down-Island” hiking trail that is hidden in plain sight. It is an 84 acre MV Land Bank property with a trail head located directly on State Road between the “Down-Island” turning on to Lambert’s Cove Road and the Scottish Bakehouse  (on the left hand side […]