Category Archives / Martha’s Vineyard

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Ice House Pond

Jetty at Ice House Pond

Some of the most breathtakingly beautiful and authentically Martha’s Vineyard spots on this island are also some of the most difficult to get to. That all, of course, helps in keeping them true local experiences. One such place is serene Ice House Pond (formerly Old House Pond) in West Tisbury. This is a deep glacial […]

What’s in a name “Nobnocket” – a Martha’s Vineyard story (including a James Taylor bit)

Nobnocket Logo

For almost 5000 years before Europeans set their Gucci-clad feet on Martha’s Vineyard, it was home to the Wampanoags (earlier called the Pokanokets), a Native American sub-tribe belonging to the large Algonquin tribe of north-east America. The Wampanoags called the island Noepe, which simply means “dry land amidst waters” – a perfect description for the […]

Vineyard Haven – Martha’s Vineyard Music Festival

Musician on stage Beach Road Weekend

The inaugural Martha’s Vineyard Summer Music Festival, “Beach Road Weekend”, took place this past weekend in Vineyard Haven with magical music, cheering crowds, sunny skies, vineyard vibes and rave reviews. Martha’s Vineyard has a rich heritage of music and musicians so it’s fitting that it now is home to a big draw 3-day outdoor music […]

Sustainable Travel on Martha’s Vineyard

Martha's Vineyard Oyster being shucked

Martha’s Vineyard has a fragile ecosystem that includes grasslands, sand barrens, freshwater ponds, wetlands, salt ponds, brooks, forests, beaches, moraines and meadows. Like most islanders we try to do our bit to preserve and conserve this unique environment and the bird-life, flora and fauna that it supports and we are happy to help visitors learn […]

When is Restaurant Week on Martha’s Vineyard?

Restaurant Week Logo

Martha’s Vineyard Restaurant Week returns to the island June 2nd thru June 6th. Most people when asked for an iconic image of Martha’s Vineyard will reliably reply with beaches, yachts, lighthouses, oysters or something similarly water connected. Though Martha’s Vineyard is undoubtedly a leading summer New England destination for all these activities it surprises some […]

Top 10 (New) Things To Do On Martha’s Vineyard

East Beach on Chappy

Martha’s Vineyard provides a long list of firm favorites and “must-dos” that bring summer visitors coming to the island year after year; a visit means being able to savour one of the award-winning lobster rolls at Grace Church in Vineyard Haven, hanging out with old friends at Nancy’s Bar in Oak Bluffs, catching a sunset […]

Martha’s Vineyard Designs – Sylvie Bags

Sylvie Bags

Martha’s Vineyard is justly famous for its abundance of artists, artisans, musicians, authors and designers. These independent craftsmen and women create some of the most amazing and sought after art and products in New England. Vineyard Haven is the heart of the Martha’s Vineyard local shopping scene and on Main Street one of our favorite […]

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Duarte’s Ponds and Blackwater Pond

Duarte's Pond

Even at summer’s height in balmy (barmy?) August on your Martha’s Vineyard vacation it is still possible to find an escape from the heaving hordes and the ensuing relentless cacophony. That magical place of calm is the MV Land Bank property that connects the ponds of Duarte’s and Blackwater. Hidden away off Lambert’s Cove Road, […]

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Phillips Preserve Hike

Martha's Vineyard Hikes

It would take a lifetime of Martha’s Vineyard vacations to discover all the hidden spots and secret places that are tucked away on the island. That’s one of the reasons that we are always encouraging our guests at the inn to keep returning! It’s also why I’m going to dedicate some blogs to insider tips […]

Top 10 Winter Activities on Martha’s Vineyard

Winter on Martha's Vineyard

OK call me crazy – you won’t be the first and I’m hoping not the last – but your next winter vacation should be to Martha’s Vineyard. Dispel those visions you harbor of boarded up stores, “Perfect Storm” ferry trips, gnarly islanders, sideways rain and a scary silence from your Uber app. Not true – […]