Category Archives / Martha’s Vineyard

Valentine’s Day on Martha’s Vineyard

Valentine's Day Martha's Vineyard

February, the month of love, is fast approaching and though there are many reasons to lament the month, even its negatives have romantic twists: – February is hands down the trickiest month to spell because of that pesky silent “r”. But we have Latin to thank for the “r”. Latin is the language of the […]

How To Get To Martha’s Vineyard

Vineyard Haven Ferry

The first thing to clarify is that Martha’s Vineyard is most definitely an island, your standard surrounded by water type of island.  A fact that is pretty obvious when you live here but may not be on your radar if you don’t, but is a rather critical piece of information if you’re planning a trip […]

Martha’s Vineyard Hotels

Martha's Vineyard Beach

Martha’s Vineyard has always been an avid proponent of the “buy-local” philosophy and has tried to maintain a healthy resistance to chains establishing themselves on the island. This has proved successful over the years and has helped keep the island character that is so loved by locals and visitors alike. Inevitably the rise in property […]

Thanksgiving on Martha’s Vineyard

Tisbury Turkey

Is there anything more traditional than to enjoy Thanksgiving in New England, where the first Thanksgiving took place way back in 1621 (on a Thursday I’m assuming). Our inn proudly bears a Wampanoag name, Nobnocket, and it was members of the Wampanoag tribe who celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims in Plymouth. Many theories […]

Best Events On Martha’s Vineyard

Oak Bluffs Fireworks

Given the beauty of its beaches, ponds, woodlands, farms and trails, the unbeatable locations for sailing, golfing, fishing, kayaking and kite-boarding, and the world-class restaurants and food-to-table menus, you do not need an excuse to come and vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. However, should you be that type of person who needs a reason to go […]

Top 10 Martha’s Vineyard Sunsets

Tashmoo Sunset Martha's Vineyard

A Martha’s Vineyard vacation is a bucket-list item that provides a host of exceptional experiences, be they sailing, kayaking, farm-to-table food, hiking, art events, film festivals or celebrity spotting. But one of our favourites is the stunning sunsets that are visible here from land and sea. A perfect way to end a perfect day on […]

Summer Events on Martha’s Vineyard – “First Friday” in Vineyard Haven

First Friday VH

Summer on Martha’s Vineyard provides plenty of opportunities to get your culture fix. The island is home to an abundance of gifted artists, musicians, authors and artisans, who can be seen at local galleries, their studios, the Artisans’ Fair and many local events. One of the great island events that plays host to many of […]

Where To Shop On Martha’s Vineyard – Edgartown

Edgartown Shopping

A must do on any vacation on Martha’s Vineyard is a stroll down picturesque Main Street in Edgartown. It epitomizes a text book New England village Main Street that could have graced a Norman Rockwell print. Everything is pristine and immaculately manicured, not unlike my good self.  For this reason it is hardly surprising that […]

Experience Martha’s Vineyard – Oyster Farm Tour

Martha's Vineyard Oysters

Jonathan Swift once declared, “He was a bold man that first ate an oyster”, so we should raise a glass to that bold (and probably ravenous) man who discovered the joyous taste of the oyster. A vacation to Martha’s Vineyard provides opportunity for the (over)eating of these aesthetically challenged mollusks farmed right here on the […]

How Often Do Hurricanes and Nor’Easters hit Martha’s Vineyard?

Nor'Easter Riley

Owning a hotel on Martha’s Vineyard, or anywhere in New England for that matter, brings with it the “fun” of experiencing some pretty wild storms.  The end of summer months (August through October) is hurricane season and then winter (December through March) is Nor’Easter time! The islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket are outliers on […]