Secret Martha’s Vineyard – James Pond Preserve

Path over sand dune to James Pond beach

James Pond Preserve is a 13.9 acre Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank property that includes idyllic James Pond, the field that abuts it and a beautiful 650 foot stretch of white sand beach on Lambert’s Cove next to the West Tisbury town beach. This is one of the best beaches on Martha’s Vineyard.

The entrance to the parking lot is directly after the Lambert’s Cove Beach parking lot. There are a limited number of parking spaces, twelve in total, that must be booked online up to a week in advance. There is a bike rack for those who prefer two wheels.

Entrance gate at James Pond Preserve

There is a trail loop that goes down to the pond and then around through the adjoining fields back to the parking lot passing a very inviting bench with a stunning view out over the pond towards Naushon Island in the distance.

View across field out towards James Pond

Alternatively you can take the beach trail straight down towards Lambert’s Cove beach. The trail is an easy meander and takes 10 minutes passing through woodland and a stone walled pasture before reaching the path over the sand dunes.

Path through woodland

Stone Wall at James Pond

View across James Pond

Once over the dune there is a staircase that will take you down to the stunning beach. Given the limited parking this beach spot is typically not too busy. It is open from 10am – 6pm and swimming and picnics are allowed.

View down Lambert's Cove Beach at James Pond Preserve

You are also able to kayak on James Pond. This is a very easy kayak and you should get to hang out with plenty of water fowl gliding across the pond. The pond is 50 acres. It was originally called Onkakemmy Pond until the name was changed by the pesky English back in 1682.

James Pond

This is a pristine and gorgeous pond to relax and savour on Martha’s Vineyard.

Safe travels,