Tag Archives: Martha’s Vineyard

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Pecoy Point Preserve

Bike at Pecoy Point

Here is another of the Nobnocket’s Insider Tips to Martha’s Vineyard, a truly beautiful hidden treasure that is easily reachable by bike from Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs, provided you know where to go. Like many hikes and preserves on the Vineyard getting to Pecoy Point Preserve isn’t sign-posted until you actually arrive – not […]

Outdoor Activities – Visit The Elizabeth Islands With Island Girl Excursions

Back Of Motor Boat in Elizabeth Islands

The Elizabeth Islands are a hidden treasure that are missed by most people who visit Martha’s Vineyard. They are a chain of pristine, small islands that sit off the north coast of Martha’s Vineyard and separate it from Buzzard’s Bay. In total there are thirteen islands in the chain, the main ones being Naushon, Nonamesset, […]

Best Things to Do Memorial Day Weekend On Martha’s Vineyard

Felix Neck Swan

Memorial Day Weekend on Martha’s Vineyard signals the start of summer and there is plenty to do on the island with businesses and restaurants open for the season. Here are the Top 10 of the Best Things to do on Martha’s Vineyard this Memorial Day Weekend: Martha’s Vineyard Environmental Film Festival One of several annual […]

Is There A Brewery On Martha’s Vineyard?

Beer with Vineyard Haven Harbor in Background

There are many reasons to vacation on Martha’s Vineyard but craft beer is maybe not the first thing that springs to mind. So have I got some good news for you! Martha’s Vineyard is home to not one but two breweries and also a spiritual home to a third. Plenty of opportunities to give the […]

Martha’s Vineyard Bird Watching – 2019 Christmas Bird Count

Purple Sandpiper on Rock

Martha’s Vineyard birding is a year round pursuit with the island playing permanent home to a vast array of sea birds, woodland birds, raptors, ground-nesting birds and song birds. To add to this the island sees seasonal summer and winter visitors, those stopping by for a short rest en route on their Spring or Winter […]

Top 10 Experiences on Martha’s Vineyard

Vineyard Haven Harbor

Top 10 Martha’s Vineyard experiences: Sailing Charter Oyster Farm Tour Cape Poge Lighthouse Tour Hike Martha’s Vineyard north shore Kayaking the Great Ponds Martha’s Vineyard Museum Black Dog Tall Ships Farm-stand Tour Bird-watching Beach Road Weekend Music Festival Sailing Charter The quintessential Martha’s Vineyard vacation experience is to put on your boating shoes, grab a […]

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Ice House Pond

Jetty at Ice House Pond

Some of the most breathtakingly beautiful and authentically Martha’s Vineyard spots on this island are also some of the most difficult to get to. That all, of course, helps in keeping them true local experiences. One such place is serene Ice House Pond (formerly Old House Pond) in West Tisbury. This is a deep glacial […]

Sustainable Travel on Martha’s Vineyard

Martha's Vineyard Oyster being shucked

Martha’s Vineyard has a fragile ecosystem that includes grasslands, sand barrens, freshwater ponds, wetlands, salt ponds, brooks, forests, beaches, moraines and meadows. Like most islanders we try to do our bit to preserve and conserve this unique environment and the bird-life, flora and fauna that it supports and we are happy to help visitors learn […]

Martha’s Vineyard Designs – Sylvie Bags

Sylvie Bags

Martha’s Vineyard is justly famous for its abundance of artists, artisans, musicians, authors and designers. These independent craftsmen and women create some of the most amazing and sought after art and products in New England. Vineyard Haven is the heart of the Martha’s Vineyard local shopping scene and on Main Street one of our favorite […]

Secret Martha’s Vineyard – Duarte’s Ponds and Blackwater Pond

Duarte's Pond

Even at summer’s height in balmy (barmy?) August on your Martha’s Vineyard vacation it is still possible to find an escape from the heaving hordes and the ensuing relentless cacophony. That magical place of calm is the MV Land Bank property that connects the ponds of Duarte’s and Blackwater. Hidden away off Lambert’s Cove Road, […]